Sunday, 5 October 2008

Goodbye Cellulite

Spotted this in Cr, and thought "cool". It's quick, clever and good use of media.

Unfortunately while searching for the Nivea image, I was disappointed to discover someone had got there first two years ago in Russia. It's hard to know if the creatives at TBWA NY knew of this, and one could argue they have made much better use of the idea. However, it spoiled my initial "ahhh.." reaction.

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Stop motion of the 70's

Here's some of those animations from the seventies/early eighties I was going on about below - God, we found them entertaining when we were little!

Some Colourful Ads

I've had hardly any time to devote to my little Blog since I started at Tribal and felt increasingly out of touch with all things creative so have a done a little trawling on some of my favourite blogs, and good ol' advertising sites, just to remind myself what business I'm in.
It's often quite frustrating when you see an ad in print or on Tv that has used an idea you came up with yonks ago, but got ditched somehow, and the latest Saatchi ad for NSPCC is a good example for me. And I personally don't think the tool of the butterflies work as well as we had in our concept. I'm referring to the coloured butterflies that flutter about around children's playgrounds, weaving in and out of children, then one comes up against a glass window and can't get in. On closer inspection you can see that the butterflies are actually two ears flying - representing the counselling service that the NSPCC offer.
Years back while working on a brief for the COI, my partner and I had an idea for a campaign against fraudsters who cheat the system and don't pay their taxes. The Inland Revenue were setting up a hotline for people to call up and 'dob' these people in. (I know, a REALLY effective way of catching tax evaders!) So we had these sweet butterflies fluttering about while some guy was blagging to his mate how to always pay cash, that way you don't have anything on paper to catch you out.. These innocent cute butterflies were actually conniving ears flying about. I think we may have even ended with them splitting apart and smacking themselves onto an earwigging neighbour...! Anyway it used the whole thought that if walls had ears - watch out.
A much stronger strategy don't you think?
Oh well.
An ad I do like at the moment is the Ford Fiesta ad created by Ogilvy.

I was reading in Creative review the other day that they commissioned 20 artists/designers to create the films on the tv's that move about. They are really cool, but it is so quick you can't appreciate the hard work that probably went into them. The reason it caught my eye when I first saw it was it reminded me of the cut and paste style animation they used to use on Sesame Street - you know, sometimes for learning the eight times table, or sometimes for no reason at all. They were always really eighties and graphical. The endline 'this is now' has recieved a lot of criticism within the industry e.g 'What is it saying?' But I like it. How deep can you be about a new car? This is now. Done.