Wednesday, 30 June 2010

I'm Notworking

So I went along to my first glug event the other night to see what it was all about. It's one of these growing trends of 'meetups' where online communities encourage members to meet face to face with like-minded individuals - like the good old days of networking before the rise of the internet. I'm all for this as I'm a real people person and you just don't gauge what someone is like just from an online conversation. (besides I'm much faster at talking than typing!)

Glug meets once a month in London to bring together designers, creatives, clients and friends to chat, watch talks and glug down a few drinks. It was set up by
Ian Hambleton of Studio Output and Nick Clement of Made Studio and seems have have grown enormously over the past year or so. Last night was more of a general eet strangers and have a good night, as it was primarily aimed at Graduates in collaboration with the D & AD New Blood ceremony earlier in the day. However I had a great time chatting to randoms and meeting members of Glue, Wyld Stallions animators and the illustrations of Agency Rush doodling away throughout the night. I expect there'll be photos and more on their site here - see you at the next one!

Tuesday, 29 June 2010


I absolutely love these! Sheep sculptures made of old fashioned telephones. Created by French artist Jean-Luc Cornec.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

RSA Animate

A great animation created by RSA and Cognitive media. This one 'The Surprising Truth about what Motivates Us' has a great message behind it for all employers out there - we're people not donkeys! The film lasts over five minutes, but is well executed and goes at the right pace, you want to see it right through to the end. Above all, it says we're motivated by autonomy, skill and purpose, not just money. We'll all do better at our jobs if we are given the chance to shine & learn more, not just if we're rewarded by money.'s all about balance methinks.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

NIKE78 is an exciting new project created by Paul Jenkins and inspired by NIKE. Creatives were asked to challenge the function of the existing Nike trainer, using sport as their inspiration. From “Wacky Races” style characters, fish tank filled shoes, cake trainers to insole letters that travel the globe, the diverse collection will be showcased at the London Design Festival 2010. Check out more inspiring projects here.