Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Big Bang Big Boom

The next amazing installation by wall animators Bluu. Creativity on the biggest scale. Watch the first one here.

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Word Association Game, Everyone say Bleurgh!

WORDS from Everynone on Vimeo.

As simple as the Timmy mallet game this film by production studio Everynone is a visual play on words. If I didn't tell you that, you may not get it straight away, but as the film unfolds, the 'aha' moment makes you smile. Nice.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Advertised by Cows

I realise this has been around for a while but my blog is my scrapbook so there! I love these billboards created for Anchor Butter by CHI. Done in the style of old painted ads that used to be seen on the side of brick buildings, they really convey the message that Anchor Butter has been 'Made by Cows' since 1886, the golden age of hand painted wall mural advertising. Authentic illustrations by Paul Slater and my favourite handwriting artist Alison Carmichael.

Friday, 13 August 2010

My Website

It struck me that while advertising everyone else's great work I have failed to post my own up here for a while. So here's a quick self promotional shout : MY WEBSITE IS LIVE! Go forth and take a look. Thank you.


Monday, 9 August 2010

Mail Me Art

I didn't manage to get a long to see this in time, but had to post it up here (no pun intended).
Organised by Darren di lieto of Hai! illustration agency, artists and illustrators from around the globe were asked to decorate an envelope with artwork and deliver to the same address over a period of a year and hope that it would arive entact. Entries were collected and put together at the Red Gate Gallery of all the unusal and varied pieces. Here's my favourites:

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Flash! Aaaarr!

In the spirit of promotion & for my own selfish reasons Flash on the Beach is coming up - And I've never been so pull me out of the hat pleease! There we go. my work here is done.
(cross your fingers for me)