Thursday, 17 February 2011

Don't Bin it, Bring it!

Nice little stop frame animation by Rubber Republic for Recycle Now, letting people know they can recycle electrical goods across the UK. A battle between a bin and printer takes place, ending in a Star Wars style finale.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Advertising has shrunk

Following from my post below about advertising in small places I spotted the other night an "i-Ad" on my phone - it's literally a banner ad for the iphone. I mean, is it me or is this small space advertising getting ridiculous? I wonder how much they charge the client for this? Up until now I actually found it quite refreshing to be able to read an article without some irritating flashing ad around it. And as an Art director the pixel space can't give you much to play with.  Is this really the best way to serve clients?

The Creaturezoid

It must be the influence and imagination of all the wonderful kids at the Ministry of Stories where I have been mentoring, that I came up with my own creature - a sort of flying monkey that is very in touch with outer space. It travels between prehistoric times and the future, so has unique animalistic characteristics that adapt to it's environment. You never know, I may just write my own short story, but for now, it has become a submission as part of The Creature Curiosity Project; a non-profit collaborative venture bringing illustrators and children together with an aim to spread creativity and self-expression. Artists are invited to create the first (or back) half of a creature, then through workshops children will be invited to complete the other half. The project aims to use self directed learning to bring out the creative strengths of each child, and brings together an array of talents, organizations and teachers.
The project aims to hold an exhibition of the final work and hopefully a printed publication.

The Creaturezoid

Friday, 4 February 2011


Increasingly, articles are reporting that twitter has given a new lease of life to television ratings thanks to the inane banter/ heated debates that go on during programming. Now, tv producers can watch and receive realtime feedback from viewers and even interact themselves. This kind of audience engagement and consumer relationship has never occurred before.
I could never understand it - I mean, if you're watching a programme, you're watching a programme right? Wrong! Then I joined twitter. I had this inexplicable urge to let the world know my opinion and see what others were saying on the same subject. This instant conversation or eavesdropping of complete strangers was addictive. I have calmed down now, and do find 'following' twitter somewhat daunting, but you can't help but recognise the effect it has had on consumers and brands alike. You're no longer alone in voicing your opinion and shouting at the telly: you can tweet them instead. Incidentally, I love how that sounds delicate, almost like a nudge. 'Send us a tweet - it's not going to hurt'. I'm sure abuse can fit into 142 characters..

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Daft Vader

This spot for VW made me laugh so had to put it up here. A successful collaboration between Lucasfilm and DeutSch LA agency. May the force be with you!

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Advertising is shrinking scale as well as monetary terms. It seems the dedicated consumer now has to look closer to spot the clever use of small spaces appropriately used to advertise a brand. Two great examples are these below. More can be found at The Coolhunter and Creative Social blog.

A Guiness Dartboard

A straw for a very bendy yoga studio.

Mary and Max

I saw a really heartwarming and beautiful animated film at the weekend. Mary and Max is a hour and half long story about two strangers that live on the other side of the globe to eachother, both struggling to get by in the odd world in which we live.
Mary Dinkle, a lonely eight year old living in Melbourne, decides
to pick someone randomly out of the phone book to write to and ask where babies come from. The lucky recipient of her bizarre questions and cherry-flavoured chocolate bar is Max Jerry Horowitz, an anxiety-ridden, forty five year old Jewish New York-en who attends over eaters anonymous once a week. Over time their questions and philosophies about the world see their friendship grow as they do. The film offers a great insight into the odd workings of human society, and lessons of friendship in a humourous and heartfelt way. The scene and characters are lovingly created from plasticine and beautifully directed by Adam Elliot.