Thursday, 31 January 2008

Tiny Art

I've been collecting a few images lately of miniscule art - It fascinates me that these artists have so much patience and time (and eyesight) to create these masterpeices. They are intriguing, and some really do make you question scale (and our size in relation to the universe). because you have to peer more intensely at them it also makes you spend longer digesting the work.

Hand etched patterns on eggshells (have lost the link, sorry)

A tiny street Art project by Slinkachu.

Amazing but strange: chewing gum painted by Ben Wilson. Well if it's stuck there it may aswell look good!

Miniature scenes from the exhibition 'Eyes Blind Arm Outstretched' I went to by Lisa Swerling


Paul Harris said...

Cool Tiny art.

Although not Tiny I thought you would like these:

Unknown said...

Cool. Some of those are a bit bizarre. I like the guy who's all crinkled from a really old book - he has almost risen from the dead!